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Keto Rhubarb Crumb Streusel Pie

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Low carb, keto friendly rhubarb crumb streusel pie, sugar free, wheat flour free, gluten free and also diabetic friendly!

Keto / low carb

Keto rhubarb crumble pie
Keto rhubarb crumble pie

I am so excited about the delicious result of this recipe!

I consider that the sweet taste in combination with the sour taste of rhubarb is unsurpassed and I classify it as a gourmet delight.

The ketogenic diet does not include many fruits and rhubarb with only 2,7g of carbohydrates is the perfect alternative to such recipes.

What is rhubarb?

Rhubarb is an herbaceous plant with large triangular green leaves such as celery and long stems in bright purple color.

In the market you can find it only as stems since the leaves are not consumed.

Rhubarb is very popular in Germany, England and some other countries, it looks like vegetable but it's considered a fruit.

It is sour, tart, tender and enhances the sweets with an intense and special taste.

As long as I lived in Greece I had never seen rhubarb on any vegetable or fruit counter, so when I saw it in Germany I thought it was a kind of celery so I didn't pay any attention.

But I noticed that the Germans use rhubarb in sweet pies (Streusel) and this piqued my curiosity.

So I learned that the most delicious sweet tarts and jams are made with Rhubarb!

I also learned that it's considered "super-food", an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin K.

Spring is rhubarb season and combines perfectly with strawberries.

I heard that every self-respecting food blogger should post at least one rhubarb recipe on their blog so this was a challenge for me.

The effort was successful with the above since those who tried this pie, did not believe that was keto!

You may wonder where can we find rhubarb since it does not exist in Greece?

A little research I made on the internet led me to these sources:

The grocery store "To Bostani" in Pagrati and " in Zakynthos.

Maybe there are other grocery stores that have tips to get rhubarb. Just ask in the grocery store of your neighborhood.

The sure thing is that you should definitely try rhubarb, at least once in your life!

Keto rhubarb crumble pie
Keto rhubarb crumble pie

Keto Rhubarb Crumb Streusel Pie

Servings 12

300 g / Almond flour

20 g / Bamboo fiber flour

120 g / Erythritol-stevia blend or any other natural sweetener 1:1

1 Tbsp (10 g) / Baking powder

1/4 tsp / Salt

180 g / Cold butter in cubes

1 / Egg

Keto rhubarb crumble pie
Keto rhubarb crumble pie

Ingredients for the rhubarb filling

400 g / Rhubarb

50 g / Erythritol stevia blend or any other natural sweetener 1:1

• For the filling cream:

100 g / Cream cheese

The rhubarb syrup

Keto rhubarb crumble pie
Keto rhubarb crumble pie

• Instructions:

1 Weigh the ingredients for the crust and the crumble.

2 In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients and add the cold butter in small pieces and the vanilla extract.

3 Beat with a dough attachment to combine the ingredients and at the end, add the egg.

The dough is sticky!

4 Cover the bowl or wrap the dough with cling film and place in the fridge for at least an hour.

• Preparing the rhubarb:

1 Wash the stems, discard the leaves (if any), and cut into 1 cm pieces.

2 Place in a bowl and mix with the 50g of sweetener.

3 Set aside for at least an hour, stirring occasionally.

During this time the rhubarb releases some liquid. This is the syrup you will use in the cream.

4 After 1 hour, strain the rhubarb and keep the syrup.

5 Prepare the filling vanilla cream according to the instructions of the recipe and set aside to cool.

6 After the cream cools, add the rhubarb syrup and the cream cheese and mix well.

Keto rhubarb crumble pie
Keto rhubarb crumble pie

• Completion of the pie:

1 Preheat the oven at 175°C (conventional).

2 Butter a pie tin with high sides, or a round cake tin with removable sides placing a parchment paper.

3 Spread and press with your hands 3/4 of the dough on the base and the sides of the form.

4 Drill several times with a fork and bake for 10 minutes.

Keto pie crust
Keto pie crust

5 Then spread the filling cream and the rest pieces of the rhubarb above.

In this way it's distributed throughout the filling but some rhubarb pieces remain on the pie surface.

6 At the end, crumble the rest of the dough over the filling.

7 Put the tart back in the oven and bake for another 35 - 40 minutes.

8 After 10-15 minutes of baking you should cover the pie with aluminium foil to avoid burning.

9 After baking, let the dessert cool well before cutting.

Store in the fridge for 5 days or in the freezer for at least 1 month.

• Serve and enjoy!

Macros for 1 serving:
  1. Protein: 8.4 g

  2. Carbohydrates (net): 2.8 g

  3. Fat: 31 g

  4. Energy: 329 Kcal

Any nutritional analysis (macros) is based on an estimate calculated by the "Cronometer" application for the ingredients of each recipe. Differences can arise for a variety of reasons, such as product availability and food preparation. There is no guarantee that this information will be accurate.

I am not a nutritionist. If you have strict dietary needs I always recommend using an online nutrition calculator to calculate your totals using your exact brands you're using in this recipe as values may vary per brand.

Always keep in mind that ingredient replacements can change the outcome of the recipe in terms of taste, texture, appearance and of course macronutrients.

According to the current copyright law (N.2121/93), the republishing of part or the whole text, photos or videos as well as the rest of the article of this recipe is prohibited without the written permission of the author. It is also prohibited to use the recipes for commercial or other reasons and to exploit them in any way, without the written permission of the author.

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